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Route 140 Safety Task Force Agenda 01/08/2008

Town of Sterling
Rt. 140 Safety Improvement Task Force
Thursday – January 8, 2009 – 7:00 P.M.
Chocksett Middle School Library, 40 Boutelle Road, Sterling


7:00-7:05       Welcome – Town of Sterling
7:05-7:10       Task Force Organization Discussion
                Review and Approve October 16, 2008 Task Force Meeting Minutes

7:10-7:15       Round of Introductions
                Guest Comments          

7:15-8:15       Continue Discussion on Rt. 140 Corridor Profile
  • RT. 140 Accident data for past three years – CMRPC Staff
  • Review & Discuss Princeton-Sterling-Westminster Lists of Rt. 140 Concerns
  • Discuss Corridor Profile timeframe, cost, content – CMRPC & MRPC Staff
  • Discuss second round of District Local Technical Assistance (DLTA) funds see attached correspondence
  • Discuss Transportation Bond Bill Chapter 303 of the acts of 2008 line item #6033-0817 and other state sources of revenue to fund a corridor profile
8:15-8:30       Public Comment

8:30-8:35       Next Meeting Scheduled:  
                Review Action Items

Signatures Required:    
Old Business:  
Discuss Agenda Items for Next Meeting:  

8:35            Adjourn


DATE                    MEETING/EVENT                   TIME                            LOCATION